Ever since I first saw them, I haven’t been able to get them off my mind.

Dome houses!

Easy to build, earthquake proof and have low energy costs to heat or cool.

I’ve been collecting ideas on how to build them. I rarely come up with unique ideas on my own but I tend synthesize ideas from stuff I read on the web. So I thought I just make a blog where I save my findings and ideas to share them with others. Hence this blog.

One of these ideas are mushroom dome houses.


These Japanese dome houses are build out of expanded polystyrene and concrete. According to their video below the houses are really easy to assemble.

Japanese dome houses

I like the easy to assemble part, but I’m a bit turned of by the expanded polystyrene. But what if one could replace the polystyrene with mushroom mycelium?

Artist Phil Ross built a wall of mushroom bricks that has several properties that are similar to expanded polystyrene.


Phil Ross’ mushroom bricks.

Another company called Ecovative Design are making packaging out of mycelia.


Mushroom bricks by Ecovative Design